The most recognizable person of the trinity, especially in the Christian church, is the Son of God, Jesus. This is probably because he is the most relatable person of the trinity. The fact that Jesus is human, makes him easier to understand, since we are human. However, we must not forget the fact that Jesus is also God. In Philippians 2, Paul shows us that Jesus could have counted equality with God the Father as something to leverage, but instead Jesus humbled himself and took on flesh.
One of the best passages to show who Jesus is, comes from the introduction of the Gospel of John. In John 1:1-14, we see that Jesus is God. John shows us that all things are made by him, for him, held together with him, and then he became flesh. When we begin to understand the sacrifice that Jesus made to become human, it will cause us to grasp the depth of Jesus love for us. In Revelation 4, the throne room of God is revealed to John. It is an amazing setting full of worship and God’s glory. To think that Jesus left that throne room to become human, suffer, and die for our sins is unbelievable.
However, because Jesus is God, we must remember that this also means he has all authority. In Matthew 28, Jesus proclaimed that all authority has been given to him. All of creation, humanity, and even the evil spirits of this world will one day bow to the name of Jesus and the authority that he possesses. It is also because of this authority that we can have faith that Jesus is the King of kings and Lord of lords who defeated death, sin, and Satan. Jesus is our savior, our one and only hope that can bring us into a right relationship with God the Father.
Reflective Questions:
1. What does Jesus mean to you?
2. How can Jesus be both God and man?
3. What does it mean to you that Jesus would become human for us?
4. How can we live a life that brings honor to Jesus?