Why Home Church
Even Families who attend church faithfully, struggle bringing the conversation back home or simply having Bible studies at home as a family. Home Church takes a lot of the “legwork” out for parents and makes weekly family Bible studies a goal that is achievable. Therefore, Home Church becomes your church at home!
What is Home Church
Home Church is an online resource platform that gives families resources that connect to what is being taught at Cross Pointe Student Ministries so that the conversation can be taken from church to home. Home Church allows parents and students to connect biblically through a weekly podcast, weekly devotional blog, weekly sermons, and weekly emails. The mission of Home Church is, “Bringing church home to families.”
The Home Church podcast, “Home Church Recap,” is a weekly podcast hosted by Pastor Garris Hudson that offers more insight into the current sermon series which students are hearing at The Hype. It is also a podcast that goes along with the weekly devotion that is provided in the blog. It is a great way for parents and students to gain more understanding as they continue their conversations at home.
Devotional Blog
Home Church has a weekly blog written by Pastor Garris Hudson that goes along with the current sermon series which students are hearing each week at The Hype. The blog provides questions and devotions that parents and students can use at home to facilitate a Bible study.
The audio from the sermon each week at The Hype is uploaded to Home Church. The sermon is the foundation that directs the podcast and devotional blog. Not only does the audio from the sermons allow parents to listen to what their students are being taught each week, it also ties everything together so that a well-rounded Bible study can take place in the home.
Weekly Email
Each week Home Church will send you an email that will encourage you with Scripture as well as sharing what is new that week at Home Church. It is a great way to stay connected to everything that is going on within Home Church and Cross Pointe Student Ministries.